ROUND SPONSOR - $250 - Includes name and business information on all sponsored round answer sheets, name and information (business cards, flyers, etc) on all tables, name on Sponsor Marquee, name and link on our website as well as our high traffic Facebook page. Round sponsor is a great way to help and a great form of advertising!
TABLE SPONSOR - $100 - Includes name and information (business cards, flyers, etc) on sponsored table(s), name on Sponsor Marquee, name and business information on our website as well as our high traffic Facebook page. Table sponsor is also great way to help and a great form of advertising!
By sponsoring our Trivia, YOU will make a difference! Because Cole's Hope is solely funded by the generosity of our community and businesses, we depend on your help.
BASKET/RAFFLE DONATION - We are seeking event tickets, gift certificates, themed baskets, gift cards and raffle items for our Trivia! These items help us raise more money each year! If you'd like to donate something for us to raffle off, please contact us today!